Tiffany Burbidge Tiffany Burbidge


Love the shape love the sign

This sign came from Ozark , Missiouri which is about an hour from Joplin. We were driving through after buying signs in other areas and found this sign from picker named Chris Walters. He always has great signs and we have purchase many from him. We love the shape of this sign. It should have prices under the sign which we have but we like the look without so left it as is.

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Tiffany Burbidge Tiffany Burbidge

oo7 anyone

Bede 5 Jet featured as featured in the James Bond movie Otopussy

Our cute little Bede 5 jet that hangs from the ceiling is one of about 300 that exist. It is the smallest jet in the world and is seen on James Bonds 1983 film “Octopussy “ flying thru a barn at 325 miles per hour.

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Tiffany Burbidge Tiffany Burbidge

Shell shell shell

Many of our Shell gas signs are on display.

The shell signs have come from all over including from Canada. Sparky bought Sehll gas in California as a kid but never knew it’s a European based Company till he started collecting signs. Shell changed the World of Petroleum while people were sleeping:) They invented and shared the means of deep water drilling which makes much more of our oil available today.

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Tiffany Burbidge Tiffany Burbidge

Its all about the story

Sparky loves his family and loves his signs:)

Sparky learned a long time ago it is not often about the currency. Many collectors start off saying the do not want to sell the wanted treasure until…. the right thing is offered and then game on. Many collections are priceless to the owner and are thought of as a treasure not to be bought. This is where the fun begins and negotiations take place. Most owners don’t even know there is something other than cash that will entice them so creativity is a huge part of the fun. Unfortunately auction houses entered the game and almost gone are the days of negotiating or trading . Makes it so the stories are gone and it is not as fun as it once was. Sparky is all about the hunt, the game, the stories, the new friends and yes about finally getting the sign.

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